src config edit
Name | Description | Default Value |
-dump-requests | Log GraphQL requests and responses to stdout | false |
-get-curl | Print the curl command for executing this query and exit (WARNING: includes printing your access token!) | false |
-insecure-skip-verify | Skip validation of TLS certificates against trusted chains | false |
-overwrite | Overwrite the entire settings with the value given in -value (not just a single property). | false |
-property | The name of the settings property to set. | |
-subject | The ID of the settings subject whose settings to edit. (default: authenticated user) | |
-trace | Log the trace ID for requests. See | false |
-user-agent-telemetry | Include the operating system and architecture in the User-Agent sent with requests to Sourcegraph | true |
-value | The value for the settings property (when used with -property). | |
-value-file | Read the value from this file instead of from the -value command-line option. |
Usage of 'src config edit':
Log GraphQL requests and responses to stdout
Print the curl command for executing this query and exit (WARNING: includes printing your access token!)
Skip validation of TLS certificates against trusted chains
Overwrite the entire settings with the value given in -value (not just a single property).
-property string
The name of the settings property to set.
-subject string
The ID of the settings subject whose settings to edit. (default: authenticated user)
Log the trace ID for requests. See
Include the operating system and architecture in the User-Agent sent with requests to Sourcegraph (default true)
-value string
The value for the settings property (when used with -property).
-value-file string
Read the value from this file instead of from the -value command-line option.
Edit settings property for the current user (authenticated by the src CLI's access token, if any):
$ src config edit -property motd -value '["Hello!"]'
Overwrite all settings settings for the current user:
$ src config edit -overwrite -value '{"motd":["Hello!"]}'
Overwrite all settings settings for the current user with the file contents:
$ src config edit -overwrite -value-file myconfig.json
Edit a settings property for the user with username alice:
$ src config edit -subject=$(src users get -f '{{.ID}}' -username=alice) -property motd -value '["Hello!"]'
Overwrite all settings settings for the organization named abc-org:
$ src config edit -subject=$(src orgs get -f '{{.ID}}' -name=abc-org) -overwrite -value '{"motd":["Hello!"]}'
Change global settings:
$ src config edit -subject=$(echo 'query { site { id } }' | src api | jq --raw-output)