Developing the SCIM API
SCIM is a REST API specification standard for provisioning and deprovisioning users. It can also handle group (de)provisioning, but we don't support that yet.
If you're just getting started with SCIM, watch this (1.5min) and this (2.5 min) video.
IETF RFCs 7642, 7643, and 7644 are pretty dry, but very useful reference materials.
Our implementation is in this folder.
To try it, follow the How to use section of our SCIM admin guide, then see the manual-testing-with-postman section below to see it in action. It should take you 10–20 minutes to set up everything and see the full CRUD magic happen.
To inspect the requests and responses, you can use ngrok. You can then open your browser at to dive deep into the details.
WARNING: Running the tests and validators referenced on this page will trigger sending live emails. Be sure to set the environment variables
when running live SCIM API calls if you don't want emails to go out.
Manual testing with Postman
Postman collection for testing SCIM API locally or through ngrok: scim_postman_collection.json. Steps to use it:
- Download and run Postman
- Go to
File | Import...
and import the JSON. - You can import it into Postman and run the requests from top to bottom.
- Go to
SCIM | Variables
and set your token and optionally your SCIM base URL, in the format ofhttps://{sourcegraph URL}/.api/scim/v2
. - For a quick test, run "User create" and "User delete".
- For a complete test, run all requests from top to bottom. They should all pass.
You can also just use cURL if you prefer a CLI tool.
The creators of major IdPs supply validators that one can use to test their SCIM implementation.
We used three validators when testing our implementation: two for Okta and one for Microsoft Entra ID.
- Okta SPEC test – Follow this guide to set it up in five minutes. Tests should be green.
- Okta CRUD test – Follow this guide to set up these tests in your Runscope. This also needs access to an Okta application, which you can find here. Log in with shared credentials in 1Password. Tests should be green, except for the last ones that rely on soft deletion which we don't support yet.
- Microsoft Entra ID validator – It's here. It doesn't have a lot of docs. Just use "Discover my schema", then enter the endpoint (for example, https://sourcegraph.test:3443/search/.api/scim/v2) and the token you have in your settings. It should work right away, and all tests should pass.
Publishing on Okta
Our integration is here. To access this page, you will need a bit of a hackery:
- Log in to the Okta test instance here with the l/p you find in LastPass
- Go to Directory → People, and click on the "Add Person" button
- Add your own name and email, and click "Save"
- Still with the admin account, open your new user by clicking on it, go to the "Admin roles" tab, and make your user an "Application Administrator".
- Save, log out, confirm your email, and log in with your new user. Now you should be able to access the app integration.
Make changes to it as needed, and submit your changes for review. We haven't tested this process, so this territory is uncharted.